
A list of alternatives after the shutdown of Vanced · GitHub

DO NOT USE PURETUBER, several people have warned about it! It remains here to prevent others from trying it because they were looking for more alternatives.

Pure Tuber: Video & MP3 Player

Tired of video playback being interrupted suddenly, or music suddenly stopping when switching pages? Welcome to a new era of smooth playback!Install Pure ...

Pure Tuber 最佳YouTube廣告攔截器《支援Android用戶》

Pure Tuber 最佳YouTube廣告攔截器《支援Android用戶》 - 上網吃到飽wrote:我個人是有申請近20(恕刪)我發現用Google 帳號登入APP 後,居然是顯示成〝Mac 裝置〞登入, ...

[情報] Youtube Vanced apk 下架替代方案

2022年3月22日 — 推k5a: Pure Tuber被警告什麼警告啊 03/22 17:28. 推Tsukasayeo: https://i.imgur.com/W3xC0ne.jpeg 我直接放棄 03/22 17:37. 先拿掉好了看起來有雷 ...

Pure Tuber

Pure Tuber is a modded app that can enjoy uninterrupped mp3&video, background play and Picture in Picture mode, and more.

What is your review of the Vanced Tuber app?

2021年1月31日 — Pure Tuber app lets one to watch YouTube videos. It supports features such as floating windows, downloading audio and video.It also supports ...

Is Pure Tuber a viable Alternative?

2023年4月19日 — The app just uses YouTube so the quality of the videos will depend on who uploaded them.

[question] What is the difference between this and Pure ...

2021年3月20日 — This is so funny because puretuber said that it was the upgraded version of vanced YouTube and have many functions that was banned by YouTube.


DONOTUSEPURETUBER,severalpeoplehavewarnedaboutit!Itremainsheretopreventothersfromtryingitbecausetheywerelookingformorealternatives.,Tiredofvideoplaybackbeinginterruptedsuddenly,ormusicsuddenlystoppingwhenswitchingpages?Welcometoaneweraofsmoothplayback!InstallPure ...,PureTuber最佳YouTube廣告攔截器《支援Android用戶》-上網吃到飽wrote:我個人是有申請近20(恕刪)我發現用Google帳號登入APP後,居然是顯...